here i'm actually with a real dog, my greyhound Jules, wearing best seller Des Moines lace top and palazzo floral pants
you might think this looks are dog free, with our best seller sheer chiffon waterfall skirt, but the look is cartoon-dog inspired actually, look!i'm a crazy dog lady, i have customised my cap, so it's now greyhound friendly, what am i like!
i also like cats, but much less than dogs.
i love my greyhound Jules just as much as being a designer.
Meanwhile in London.....summer has arrived to our flagship store in Shoreditch. Summer is so Brick Lane, innit? where else to go on a Sunday afternoon?!
is that me again or is it a hologram?! haha, The Lazy Ones new musical side project, Twin Powers, recorded a new track a few weeks ago, when the whole Hologram Coachella thing happened, have a listen here!
Also, I got tons of pics with the hottest customers ever wearing our clothes, will post it here soon or, if you like, see it now on TLO facebook page or Des Moines one. Of course, twitter too. AND what about our tumblr?, we love it there, we update it daily, Unsane!